Volunteer Portal
Learn how Volunteers can access the Volunteer Portal to fill out the Volunteer Application or View Events
Note: This functionality is only available if the Volunteer Management module was purchased.
Volunteers can access the Volunteer Portal to fill out a Volunteer Application and then if approved, they can access the Volunteer Portal to view and register for events. Access is provided to approved and pending Volunteers via the unique URL created and shared by a District Admin.
Become a Volunteer
- Potential Volunteers can start the Volunteer Application by opening the URL provided by the District Admin.
- User will click Become a Volunteer
- Welcome - User will see the Welcome Message and click Continue
- Personal Information - User will fill out the needed Personal Information and click Save and Continue
- Volunteer Information - User can select preferred volunteer role (optional) and select the school(s) where they want to volunteer and click Save and Continue
Verify & Submit - If a background check service was enabled, user will review and certify to the Background Check Consent Statement. User will also review and certify to the Legal Disclaimer statement.
- Note: Navigate360 uses Google reCAPTCHA to protect against spam.
Log in to Volunteer Account
- Once the Volunteer is approved, they will be sent an email with instructions on how to
- Log into the Volunteer Portal with the email address provided in the Volunteer Application and enter the password created upon account creation.
- Upon logging in, users will land on the Events page, with the ability to navigate to the Notifications page and the Settings page.
- User can see how many volunteer hours are served, along with the year that the user became a volunteer
- User can use the below functionality:
My Upcoming Events
- User can view all upcoming events that that have already been registered for
- User can favorite any upcoming event by clicking on the heart icon displayed with the event
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
All Events
- User can view all events to find event(s) to register for
- User can favorite any upcoming event by clicking on the heart icon displayed with the event
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
- User can click on any event and click Register to register for an event
- User can view all events that have been set as a favorite
- User can filter by the below values to find a specific event:
- Event Name
- Date (select the needed month)
- Start at or after (select the needed time of day)
- Role (select the roles associated with the event being search for)
- User can toggle on an option to only show events for preferred roles
- User can clear filters, if needed
- User can click on any event and click Register to register for an event
My Past Events
- User can view a list of all past events with the below details:
- Date
- Event
- School
- Check-in Time
- Check-out Time
- Hours Served
- User can download a PDF of the Volunteer Hours Summary
- User can view a list of all past events with the below details:
My Upcoming Events
Users can navigate to the Notifications page to view all notifications.
Please see below for the notification types:
- New Event Added
- Event was updated
- Volunteer invited to an event
- Volunteer Added to an event
- Volunteer Removed from an event
Users can navigate to the Settings page to view or modify the below information:
- Personal Information - User can view or modify the needed Personal Information and click Save Changes
- Volunteer Information - User can view or modify the preferred volunteer role and the school(s) where they want to volunteer and click Save Changes
Email Notifications - User can toggle on or off the below Email notification types:
- Registration Updates (always on)
- Receive notifications for registration confirmations and removals
- Event Changes
- Receive notifications when event details have been changed
- Event Announcements
- Receive notifications for important event announcements
- Event Invitations
- Receive notifications for invitations
- New Event Recommendations
- Receive notifications for suggested events that you might like
- Registration Updates (always on)
- Reset Password - Users can reset the password to the Volunteer portal, when needed