Once you've
found the lesson that you want to assign in the
lesson library, it's time to move that lesson from the backend administrative view to the students' front end view.
You can think of creating an assignment as doing 3 easy steps:
- Decide WHAT the assignment contains
- Decide WHO the assignment is for
- Decide WHEN the assignment should be done
The first step you'll take is to determine what the assignment contains. This includes picking the lesson(s) and the module title. You'll need to begin in the
Lesson Library for this step.
locating a lesson that you'd like to use, click on the green "Assign" button (looks like a group of students) next to the lesson you'd like to assign to students:
Once you've clicked that button, the assignment interface will open. You'll notice that the lesson that you've clicked "Assign" for will automatically be added to the list of lessons to be assigned to students. You can select additional lessons by clicking on the "Add Lesson" button underneath the lessons. This will open a mini lesson library that you can search to find additional lessons to assign. This is especially important for Suite360 Intervention where you'll very often string multiple lessons together for one student.
Once you have all the lessons you want to assign, the next step is to determine the pass/fail threshold for each lesson. The pass/fail is shown as the number of questions that students will need to answer correctly out of the total number of questions in a lesson. For example, in the image above, the pass threshold is 9/10, which means that students will have to answer nine out of the ten post-test lessons in order to get credit for completing that lesson.
You'll want to customize this based on the audience and may need to adjust it down if you find that students/staff are reporting that the post-tests are too difficult. The goal of the pass/fail threshold is to encourage students to pay attention to the content rather than going through the motions, but every student has different abilities and needs, so the system allows you to customize the pass/fail threshold for every assignment.
DeletePlease note that the adjusted pass/fail threshold is applicable for that ASSIGNMENT which could include a single student or multiple students depending on the audience that you select for the assignment.
Now that you have decided what lesson(s) to assign, the next step is to name your module. The easiest way to name the module is by using two pieces of information: the purpose of the assignment and the date. For example, if you are following the scope and sequence and are assigning the first 6th grade module for September 2018, you might put the name as "September 2018 - 6th Grade Lesson #1." An example for an ISS lesson might be "Detention 9/1/2018 - Bullying." The exact naming convention is completely up to you, but the system does require each assignment to have a unique title. In addition, we do recommend that you keep your naming consistent, as this can make it much easier to find your assignments in reporting.
Now that we've determined the "What" of the assignment, including WHAT the lessons are and WHAT the pass/fail, and WHAT the module title is... now we turn to the "WHO" of the assignment.
The first step is to determine the "Assignment Type."
There are two categories of assignment type:
- "Group" - this is for groups of students and includes entire schools, grades, and classes.
- "Individual" - this is for individual students that you will choose from your available student roster.
DeleteNote that the individual students, grades, and classes that are visible to you depend on your level of access. Please refer to our article that explains the different roles that can be assigned.
You will then select the specifics of which grade(s), Class(es) or student(s) you want by clicking on the "Add" buttons (Add Students, Add Classes, Add Grades) under assignees:
Finally, once we are finished with the "WHAT" and the "WHO", we are ready to do the last step which is the "WHEN." This is where you can set due dates for your students and also plan out the lessons in advance. By adjusting the "Start Date" you are adjusting when the lesson will appear for the students/parents/staff in their assignment queue. By adjusting the "End Date" you are adjusting when the lesson moves to the "Past Due" category as well as the countdown at the bottom of the lesson in the student assignment queue.
When you're finished with an assignment, the final step is to commit the assignment. When finished, it should look something like this:
When you're satisfied with the "WHO," "WHAT" and "WHEN" of your assignment, click on "Save and Assign" to complete the process.