Alarm Activation - Emergency Management
Learn how to activate an alarm in Emergency Management from Visitor Management
Navigate360 Emergency Management and Visitor Management
The alarm activation functionality within Navigate360 Visitor Management is only available if Navigate360 Emergency Management was also purchased.
Alarm Activation
In the case of an emergency, District Admins, Building Admins and Staff Users can activate an alarm from Visitor Management for the alarm to be managed in Emergency Management:
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Upon logging in, users will see an alarm icon on the bottom of the left navigation menu
- User can click on the alarm icon to see the Activate Alarm modal
- To activate an alarm, follow the below steps:
Select Mode - Select the needed alarm mode:
Alarm Mode
- For real emergencies. Will send notifications to staff
Practice - Drill Mode
- Will send notifications to staff, but with a note that this is a drill
Practice - Training Mode
- Will send no notifications to staff
Alarm Mode
Type - Select the needed alarm type
- These types are set in Emergency Management. Any alarms added or created in Emergency Management will show in priority order in the Activate Alarm modal.
- To learn more about how to create alarm types in Emergency Management, click here.
Select Mode - Select the needed alarm mode:
Alarm Notification Banners
When an Alarm is activated in Navigate360 Emergency Management or Navigate360 Visitor Management, all users will see a notification banner displayed at the top of every page in Visitor Management. Users will see the below details for each Alarm Mode:
Alarm Mode:
- Banner uses a bright red color scheme
- Type of alarm that was activated
- Date and Time that the alarm was activated
See Alarm Details in EM button
- Users can click this button to be redirected to Emergency Management
Practice - Drill Mode:
- Banner uses a blue/cyan color scheme
- Includes a Drill Mode tag
- Type of alarm that was activated
- Date and Time that the alarm was activated
See Alarm Details in EM button
- Users can click this button to be redirected to Emergency Management
Practice - Training Mode:
- Banner uses a blue/cyan color scheme
- Includes a Training Mode tag
- Type of alarm that was activated
- Date and Time that the alarm was activated
See Alarm Details in EM button
- Users can click this button to be redirected to Emergency Management