What steps can I take to be sure that I am notified of new tips?
First, note that if one user reads the tip, then the other users will not be notified of a new tip by the browser. Therefore, it is best to enable text notifications to your cell phone if you want to be notified of every new tip.
Second, a common problem with browsers is that they do not always provide sound alerts if the application is running in the background. In other words, for best results, P3 must be running in front of all other applications to be most effective with alerting you to new tips. Also, if the screen saver comes on or the computer goes to sleep or your computer loses a connection to the network, then browser alerts will not fire. Browser notifications are not compatible with multitaskers.
Use Chrome and have only one tab in Chrome open.
Remain on the Tip Manager in P3. Live Chat notices will not fire in other P3 modules.
Turn off screen savers.
Disable power saving mode on the computer.
Do not open other tabs in Chrome or run other programs in the foreground on the computer.
Test the speaker volume. See Menu > Help > Test Sound.
Use text notifications as a backup method of alert by adding your cell phone number to your account under Settings > My Account and check the box labeled "Text Notifications".
All of the practices above must be followed without exception to ensure that a notification of a live event is not missed.
Sound Notification Troubleshooting:
Go to the More... button on the Tip Manager sidebar and click the “Recent Notices” button to see a history of sound alerts.
To improve performance, copy and paste the following into Chrome: chrome://flags/#disable-gesture-requirement-for-media-playback Click the "Disable" link. Click "RELAUNCH NOW" at the bottom of the page. Restart Chrome.
If you have trouble with sound alerts in Chrome, then try FireFox.
How long do Login Sessions last?
For security, it is important that all login sessions eventually expire. Users can remain logged in for up to 24 hours. Login session expire daily at 16 hour Universal Time (which is 2am central standard time). Login sessions also expire if a user logs in on another device or on another browser window. A session may end if a user attempts to reload the web page using the reload or refresh on a web browser. To reload P3 users can either click on P3 icon (to the upper left) or select "Tip Manager" from the Menu.
Important: Note that users can remain active on the tip manager beyond 24 hours as long as they do not make another selection from the Menu or Settings.
How can a reporting party recover a username or password?
It is not possible for an anonymous reporting party to recover a lost username or password as tips should not be connected to personal information of anonymous reporting parties such as an email address or phone number. However, if a reporting party has lost the username or password then they can submit another tip and indicate in the narrative that the tip is related to an existing tip.
What are the User Permissions?
Two Way
Select Recipients
Email, Text, Fax Tips
Private Notes
Admin User
Set per user
Set per user
Set per user
Set per user
Set per user
Set per user
Recipient Contacts
View Only
Set per user
Set per user
Can Add
Set per user
No Access
Admin User (not tip owner)
View Only
No Access
View Only
No Access
No Access
How do the Tip Filters work?
The icons in the "Report ID" column have the following meaning:
New Tip
Updated Tip
Read by me
Read by another user
Users can click on the red or yellow dots to mark a tip as read. Note: See also the setting labeled "Automatically Mark Tips as Read" in My Account under the Settings menu. It is best to keep this setting to "No" for accounts with multiple users.
The icons in the "Delivered Date" column have the following meaning:
Read by recipient
The recipient has seen an earlier version of the tip but not the latest updates
The icons in the "Updated" column have the following meaning:
There is an unread two-way dialog from a reporting party for this tip.
A reporting party was the last person to add two-way dialog to the tip.
A user was the last person to add a two-way dialog with the reporting party.
Hover over any user icon (
) on the dialog tab to see the name of the user that corresponded with the reporting party as seen in this example:
The filter buttons located on the right on the tip manager have the following functionality:
Urgent: This filter shows a list of tips that are marked as 'Urgent' or 'Needs Attention' on the Misc tab for which time has expired.
Unread: This filter shows new or updated tips that have not been marked as read by any administrative user. Users can click on the red or yellow circles to mark a tip as read.
Dipso Rcvd: This shows a list of tips that have a closed status or that disposition content has been updated and has not been viewed by an authorized user.
Open Tips: These are tips that have an open status as defined in the Status Type manager. The checkbox labeled "This status leaves the tip open" must be checked for status types that leave a tip open.
Not Delivered: This shows a list of open tips that have not yet been assigned to any recipient.
Not Viewed: This filter shows which new tips or tip updates have not been read by any recipient.
Click on the "More..." button at the bottom of the list of filters on the Tip Manager to see additional filters.
How do the Tip Filters work? (Call Center)
The icons shown on the Tip Manager have the following meaning:
New Tip
Updated Tip
Read by me
Read by another user
The icons in the Delivered Date column have the following meaning:
Read by recipient
The recipient has seen an earlier version of the tip but not the latest updates
The filter buttons located on the lower right on the call center tip manager have the following functionality:
Urgent: This shows a list of tips that have been marked as urgent on the Misc tab and have not yet been read by the recipient.
Undelivered: This shows a list of tips that have not been delivered to your client.
Unread: This filter shows new or updated tips that have not been read by the client or anyone at the call center.
Not Viewed: This filter shows which tips created and delivered by the call center have never been viewed by the client.
Do you have a Reward Calculator in P3?
Yes, click the calculator icon on the Reward sub-tab on the Disposition tab, next to the Recommended Reward field. To customize the reward calculator based on your organization's reward/point system, visit our video tutorial on this subject Video #15 Reward Calculator Tutorial.
How do I export a report into Excel?
This video describes what you need to know about exporting a report into Excel.
Note #1: If you get a warning about the file type when you export a P3 report to Excel, then click Ok to get past the warning message. Not all versions of Excel recognize the spreadsheet files exported by P3. Once you get past the warning message you will see that Excel will display the exported data.
Note #2: We found a problem with a Microsoft Office update from July 2016 that results in blank Excel files. The workaround is to download the Excel file and then right click on it and select "Properties" and check "Unblock" as shown in the image below. Note that you will then be prompted with "...Do you want to open the file now?" when you try to open the file after Unblocking it. If you want to open the file, you would then click Yes.
Note #3: If you have received a Microsoft Word Security Warning while attempting to access Excel documents ("Certificate error: The application experienced an internal error loading the SSL libraries") then please note that this problem is related to TLS updates. Certain applications and services in Windows cannot use the updated security protocols. The following link will redirect you to a Microsoft resource on the topic which explains how these kinds of issues can be corrected. Please share this resource with your organization's IT department, and they should be able to apply the fix: http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3140245/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-a-default-secure-protocols-in.
To work around this Microsoft issue you can do the following:
1. Right click on the Excel file link and save the Excel file to the desktop.
2. Open Excel and load the Excel file from the desktop.
How do I manage Offense Types?
Check out this video tutorial that describes how to manage offense types.
My recipient contacts are not receiving the email notifications being sent from P3. What can I do?
It is not uncommon for government email servers to have strict email rules regarding possible SPAM. As a result, the agency's spam filter may be preventing the email notifications from reaching your recipient contact. You will need to contact the agency's IT department and ask them to whitelist/safelist the email address that P3 uses to send the notifications, which is your 3-4 digit Agency ID@p3tips.com (i.e. 100@p3tips.com or 100@p3campus.com). They can also whitelist our dedicated email server IP addresses and . If you need additional assistance, please contact customer support at P3support@navigate360.com.
What should I do if one of my recipients cannot see tips?
Note that either “Enable Login” or “Include PDF” must be checked in the Recipient Manager if you have either "Email Notifications" or "Text Notifications" checked. Otherwise, there is no method by which a recipient can see tips --- which can make an email or text notification confusing to the recipient.
Can P3 usernames contain apostrophes?
It is becoming more common for email addresses to contain apostrophes in names. When an email address is added to P3 for an admin user or recipient contact containing an apostrophe, P3 automatically converts the apostrophe (') to a reverse single quotation mark (`), for example lisa.o'leary@testemail.com is converted to lisa.o`leary@testemail.com . Make sure to let your new admin users or recipient contacts know that when they enter their username to log into P3 or set/reset their password, they will need to use the reverse single quotation mark rather than an apostrophe.
Where do I find the Mobile Apps for Reporting Parties?
App developers can link to the apps from their apps by using the following:
Bundle or Package ID: com.p3tips.mob
Apple App ID: 997141662
QR Code for P3 Tips QR Code for P3 Campus
Where do I find the mobile apps for admin users and recipient contacts?
While P3 does not have a downloadable mobile app like P3 Tips or P3Campus for the administration of these programs, admin users and recipient contacts with login access can add the P3 icon shortcut to the home screen of their Apple or Android device by going to: www.p3campus.com/Mobile
Note that "100" in the link above should be replaced by your Account ID found in your General Settings of P3. Variables can be passed from your website into the tip by including &fieldlabel=textvalue after the ID number in the tip form link. Any number of custom variables can be included. Here is an example:
If a reporting party is submitting unwanted information then you can deliver the tip to the Spam Blocker Account so that the P3 staff can attempt to block future submissions by this individual. To do this go to the Deliver To tab, click on the Recipient drop down button, and then select 'Spam Blocker Account'.
How can I prevent SPAM tips?
Captcha adds a simple checkbox to each tip submission that states “I am not a robot.” Also, tipsters are limited to submitting just one new tip within the same 2-minute period. This change does not affect 2-way dialog or updates to existing tip, and has not shown to have any negative impact on reporting party engagement where deployed. Captcha is turned off by default. To enable it, go to Settings > General Settings > Settings (2nd tab) and check the “Use Web Tip Form Captcha” box. You should continue to transfer any spam tips to the P3 Spam Blocker Account to help reduce misuse of your tip form.
How do I setup my MetroFax account for use in P3?
You can fax from P3 using MetroFax by following the instructions in this video.
How do I troubleshoot text notifications of tips?
If a user or recipient is not receiving text notifications, then you can select the cell phone provider (e.g. AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc.) by using the down arrow (
) to the right of the Cell Number label. This can be done in the User Manager or the Recipient Manager.
To embed the alerts signup page on your site you can either use the link: https://www.p3campus.com/Subscribe.aspx?AID=###
or the HTML code: <iframe src="https://www.p3campus.com/Subscribe.aspx?AID=###" frameborder="no"frameborder="no" style="WIDTH: 500px; HEIGHT: 1000px"></iframe>
How do I transfer ownership of a tip to another P3 Account?
To transfer ownership of a tip go to the Deliver To tab of the Tip Manager and select a P3 Account. Then click on "make owner" beside the name of the P3 Account.
Note that if you are not the owner of a tip then you will not be able to modify or print the tip, nor can you engage the reporting party in two-way dialog. Non-owners can only see the Narrative, P3 ID, Report ID, Case Number, Other ID, Offense Type (or Event Type), and Status. In other words, only the owner can see additional information, two-way dialog, attachments, disposition information, audit logs, etc. All unnecessary tabs are hidden for non-owners (e.g. Dialog tab, Attachment tab, Notes, tab, etc). Non-owners are able to deliver the original tip to an internal recipient account(s) for informational purposes.
Tips involving the transfer of ownership from one program to another can only be "shared" between two P3 accounts - the current owner of the tip and the immediate transferring account. In some cases, a tip may be transferred to the wrong P3 account, who in turn transfers it to the correct one. Example - P3 Account A transfers ownership of a tip to P3 Account B, who in turn transfers ownership to P3 Account C. The tip is now “shared” between P3 Accounts B and C, and P3 Account A no longer has the tip in their data collection. Please note that you can still search the non-shared Report ID# via the query table to determine the current program owner and contact information.
How can I pass parameters to the tip form?
The basic tip form URL has the following form:
where 999 should be replaced with your P3 account number. To change the color of the tip form you can use:
where C and T are the background color and text color of the header in hex color code. If X=1 then the tip form will be automatically expanded from its collapsed form. The top header can be excluded from the tip form as follows:
Note that Logo=0 will hide your agency logo, AN=0 will hide the agency name when a logo is used, and SH will hide the subheading that normally contains the city and state. Include Logo=1 if you want to use the C and T for the header.
Any additional custom variable can be pass into the tip as follows:
Note that Suspect Name and Warrant Number are just two of an unlimited collection of custom variables that can be used.
How do I get notifications of new or updated tips in P3?
This video describes how you can be notified via email, text, or on-screen alerts.
How do I enable desktop notifications?
This video describes how you can enable desktop notifications.
How do I save a tip as a PDF file?
To save a report as a PDF file, first, click print and wait for the window to open. Then click on the save button within the PDF document. This video will walk you through the steps.
What Migration Includes:
Tips are included with data for Report ID, Alt ID, Case ID, Other ID, Created Date, Delivered Date, Delivered To, Status, Stat Date, Followup Date, Offense Type, Offense Other, Address, City & State, Latitude, Longitude, and the Tip Narrative.
Tips are exported from TipSoft into P3 in the form of an XML file if they are not marked as "Secure" or "Excluded" on the Misc tab of the Tip Manager in TipSoft. Users can uncheck Secure tips prior to migration if they want them migrated. Also, tips that are purged in TipSoft cannot be migrated even though they are counted in the Main Statistical Report in TipSoft.
Recipients and the associated contacts are part of the migration.
What Migration Does Not Include:
Images for each tip, suspects, Supp ID, How Aware data, and Miscellaneous Settings are not included in the migration. Private Notes, Disposition, and Reward information are not migrated into the P3 database. Disposition sheets submitted through a web form are also not included of the migration. Detailed tip delivery information and user activity logs are also not available for migration.
What should I do if I get an on-screen notice that reads "Network Connection Error"?
If the message says “Network Connection Error” then that means that your local network went offline. This should allow you to identify when your network is down so that you can contact your local IT support staff.
A steady internet connection is needed so that users can be notified of any new tips and be able to engage in Live Chat. This notice may also appear if your network connection is intermittent. When you see this notice you can click on the P3 icon below once you have verified that your local network is back online. This will refresh your session.
If you find that this notice appears after a screen saver has been on or after a computer has been asleep, then you can see if your local IT folks can assist you with turning off screen savers and power saver modes on the computers that you all use for Live Chat.
How do I prevent the tip list grid from automatically updating so that I do not lose my place in the tip list?
The “Pause” button will pause automatic updating to the tip list in the Tip Manager. The "Pause" button is located under the “More...” button. The “Last Updated” button will flash if you get a new tip while the tip list is paused.
How do I add a "Submit a Tip" tab to may Facebook page?
Note: Your Facebook page must have 2000+ likes in order for Facebook to allow you to have page tabs like those described below. Also, the Facebook mobile app does not currently support Page Tabs. The page tabs described above are for Facebook pages viewed on a web browser. The workaround to the Facebook mobile app limitation is to post public alerts as a status update to Facebook as follows: P3 -> Alerts -> Send -> Post to Facebook
What is the difference between an "admin user" and a " recipient contact" in P3?
Here are a few definitions:
An Admin User normally has access to all tips in P3.
A Recipient Contact is a member of recipient in P3 and can only see tips that are assigned to the their recipient.
A Recipient is typically a task force, an investigative agency/unit, or a school.
A Recipient Group is typically a law enforcement office that contains a task force or investigative units or a district that is a collection of schools.
Note: It is possible to have a contact be a member of multiple recipients as described in this video. It is best to use something like “Drug Unit” for the recipient name and “John Smith” for the contact name.
How do I covert Individual-Based Recipient Accounts to Entity-Based Recipient Accounts?
If your P3 account was set up with individuals as recipient accounts, such as detectives, rather than entities, such as agencies/investigative units within an agency, this can be corrected. The concern is that you do not want to orphan tip records nor do you want to prevent a recipient contact from having access to their previously delivered tips. The following steps will help you in the conversion process.
1. Setup the new entity-based recipient accounts via the Recipient Manager.
2. From the Recipient Contact Manager, assign each recipient contact to their new recipient account that they need to be a member of. DO NOT remove them from their existing individual recipient account at this point.
3. Run and print a Tip Allocation report for all recipient accounts.
4. For each individual-based recipient account, reassign those tips to the new entity-based recipient account that the recipient contact is now assigned to via the Deliver To tab. Make sure to deselect the individual-based recipient account from the “Selected Recipients” list by unchecking the box to the left of the recipient account name. The idea is that you are reassigning those tips in preparation of deleting the individual-based recipient accounts.
5. Once all tips have been reassigned to their new recipient account, run the tip allocation report again to insure that there are no tips assigned to any individual-based recipient accounts.
6. You can now begin to delete the individual-based recipient accounts from the Recipient Manager.
A user or a contact can mark an attachment as inappropriate on the Attachment tab of the Tip Manager. Users and contacts can be setup to have full access, some access, or no access to attachments. Users or contacts with "some access" cannot see attachments that are marked as inappropriate.
Sanitizing Two-Way Dialog
In the General Settings of P3 there is a setting on the Settings tab that reads as follows:
"Allow users to moderate/sanitize two-way dialog prior to viewing by recipients".
If this is set to "Yes" then recipient contacts can only see attachments that are approved by a user. This would block all recipients from being able to view attachments or two-way dialog by default. This means that users must manually approve each submission for viewing by recipient contacts. Users approve two-way dialog either on the Main tab or the Dialog tab of the Tip Manager.
Blocking Access to Attachments
There is an attachment setting in the User Manager and in the Recipient Manager that can prohibit a user from viewing any attachments within P3.
What types of files can reporting parties upload as tip attachments?
Reporting Parties can anonymously submit audio, video, image and document files with their tips and via additional two-way dialog. Each upload is limited to a maximum size of 100 mb per file with the following file types being allowed:
Audio - m4p, mp3, wav
Video: avi, flv, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, wma, wmv
Image: gif, jpeg, jpg, png
Documents: pdf
Can I embed the tip form in an iFrame on my website?
No. For security reasons, we do not allow any P3 tip forms or login pages to be embedded in iFrames on any websites. We recommend that you create a “Submit a Tip” button instead linked to your webtip form URL – www.p3campus.com/XXX (replace the XXX with your account ID) as well as a “Tip Follow-up” button linked to https://www.p3campus.com/access.aspx?Reporting Party=1 .
What kind of reports are offered in P3?
Statistical Report
This report provides statistics are broken down in over a variety of time periods. These statistics are broken down in months, quarters, current year, and since inception. Since Inception totals include Pre-P3 values that are included in your General Settings.
Tips Received - The number of tips entered into the Tip Manager
Tip Follow-ups - This is the number of times that the reporting party and the agency respond to each other via two-way dialog after the initial Web Tip or Mobile Tip. This also includes the number of times the 'Additional Info' button is used in the Tip Manager for other types of tips.
Calls Received - The number tips received plus the number of calls entered in the the "Call Statistics" module located under the Settings menu
Arrests Made, Cases Cleared, Fugitives, Charges Laid, Rewards, etc. - These numbers are totals from the Disposition tab of the Tip Manager for a given stat date range.
User Activity
This report provides a list of actions taken by users of P3 that includes editing, saving, sending, and deleting tips.
Tip List Report This report provides a list of tips along with their ID's, dates created, delivery dates, recipients, status, and offense type.
Tip Allocation Report
This report provides a list of tips grouped by their recipients.
Tip Volume Report
This report provides a count of the number of tips that were received during days of the week and hours of the day.
Tip Summary Report
This report provides a count of the number of tips for each offense type.
Tip Count Report
This report shows a breakdown of the number of tips for each recipient.
Disposition Report This report provides a summary of tip information such as status, arrests, and recovery totals. This report gives you a concise view of disposition or "conclusion" information such as status, arrest, and recovery totals. This report summarizes the disposition information recorded on the Disposition tab of the Tip Manager.
Reward Recommendations This report lists the recommended reward amounts for each tip.
Recommendation Details This report provides a reward recommendation report for each tip that can be used to get official signatures from board members.
Actual Rewards This report provides a list of rewards that have been approved for payment.
Private Notes Report
This report provides private notes that users have made for tips within a given date range.
Tip Website Referrers
This report displays a list of website domains that have referred reporting parties to your tip form.
Tip Map Report
This report displays the locations reported on tips for a given date range.
Why are the values on the Statistical Report are different from the numbers on the Disposition Report?
The Statistical Report gives you statistics for tips based on when the tips were created (i.e. the created date). The Disposition Report gives you statistics for tips based on when the tips status was changed to something other than “Open”. (i.e. the stat date).
There is a setting in both the My Account module and the User module that reads "Automatically Mark Tips as Read". This video explains how this setting works. Note that it is best to have this setting set to "No" if you have lots of users in P3 so that sound and on-screen notices alert all users about unread new or updated tips as they arrive.
Why should I be careful about renaming a recipient?
You can rename a recipient as long as you are not changing the meaning of that recipient name. For example, if you rename a recipient named “FBI” to “Frankston High School” then the school could potentially see any tips that were initially assigned to the FBI.
However, changing “FBI” to “Federal Bureau of Investigations” or “F.B.I.” would be fine. Any spelling change would be fine as well. When in doubt, it is best to create a new recipient and delete old ones.
How can I generate a QR code?
Enter the URL or text that you would like to embed in the QR code:
Image Size :
How do I install the P3 Tips Chrome Extension?
To install this extension go here and click the "ADD TO CHROME" button. This will allow you to quickly load the tip manager or tip form.
I'm getting duplicate text messages or email notifications. How can I fix this?
Text Duplication If users get multiple text notifications for a single tip change then the problem may be with the cell phone carrier (e.g. Verizon). There have been reports of customers getting 30 to 50 duplicate text notifications. This problem is often resolved by temporarily turning off Wi-Fi on the phone and the turning off the phone for a few minutes. The duplicate text notifications often stop after the phone is rebooted.
Email Duplication
If the audit tab shows that only one email notice is sent and yet the recipient receives multiple copies of the same email with the same time stamp, then there is likely a problem with the recipients email server. The solution is to have the recipient contact their local IT person and have them restart/reset their email server and have the recipient also restart their computer. More information about this problem can be found here: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1047.html
Note that this is not a result of an error in the P3 code but rather a problem with email server synchronization. If the problem persists, then please have the recipient forward several copies of the email to P3support@navigate360.com along with a statement that these are duplicate notices. This will allow our support team to verify that the problem is indeed a result of the email server or to determine if there is another problem.
Can I prevent some admin users and/or recipient contacts from viewing images?
Navigate360 is well aware of the concerns regarding civilian reception of tips and reports that contain sexually explicit images of minors. P3 is very flexible in this regard, with features specifically designed to manage this issue.
There are three varying levels of attachment viewing rights for Admin Users and Recipient Contacts.
View All – can see all attachments.
View Some – can view all attachments… except those tagged as inappropriate.
View None – cannot view attachments.
Conceptually, P3 can be configured to run in three “modes” related to inappropriate attachments and images.
Locked Down – All attachments come in tagged as inappropriate by default. Only users with ‘View All’ access can see them. Those users can un-tag the appropriate attachments for others to see.
Cautious – Reporting Parties are given the option to tag an attachment as inappropriate upon tip submission. Users with ‘View All’ access will see them – others cannot until cleared by an authorized user.
No Worries – All tips come in tagged as appropriate. Any user can subsequently tag any attachment inappropriate as deemed necessary.
Why do the mobile apps ask for permission to use the camera and microphone?
The mobile app allows reporting parties to attach images or videos to each tip. That is the reason why reporting parties may be prompted by the mobile app for permission to use the microphone or camera. Note that reporting parties can deny the mobile app permission request to use the camera or microphone if they plan to submit tips containing text only.
Known Issue: Some Android versions of the app may ask the user for permission to access "Device ID & Call Information". However, the mobile app does not save device ID's, call information, or contact information. Therefore, again the reporting party can deny the mobile app permission requests (if prompted) or update the app to a newer version.
Does the mobile app capture the reporting parties GPS location?
No, the mobile app does not record a reporting parties location. The app does not have any code that accesses the location of the phone via GPS. In general any mobile app can record the location of a phone. However, we disable geolocation on our mobile app to protect the reporting parties identity.
Furthermore, any GPS location contained in uploaded images is removed before images are saved on the server. In other words, the images do not include EXIF data. Note that the loss of the EXIF data may cause images to be rotated if the image is downloaded. However, most image processing software will allow you to rotate the image back into the proper orientation.
The only time that the location is available is if the reporting party manually types in the address or partial address. The map on the Map tab of the Tip Manager only contains an approximate location if the reporting party manually typed in the address while entering a tip.
In summary, the mobile app does not save the reporting party’s phone number, device ID, GPS location, or any contact information from a reporting parties device. Any request for information from an Android or Apple device can be denied by the reporting party if prompted.
How do I save a report as a PDF file?
Some reports require that you use the PDF printer built into the operating system of your computer. To save a report as a PDF file you can select one of the "PDF Printers" shown in the example screen shots below.
Why are there no tips found under "Review / Update Existing Tips" in the mobile app?
If a reporting party submits a tip using one of the mobile apps, the tip should be listed under "Review / Update Existing Tips" if they use the same passcode (PIN) when loading the app. The app passcode is linked to the tips in order to prevent someone else from viewing existing tips on the reporting parties mobile device. Therefore, if a reporting party resets the Passcode, they will no longer see their existing tips under "Review / Update Existing Tips". This helps prevent unauthorized access to existing tips. Also, automatic access to previously submitted tips is lost if a reporting party uninstalls and reinstalls the app.
Are P3 tip forms ADA and 508 compliant?
Yes, the tip form follows the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0 Level AA). These guidelines were developed through the W3C process in cooperation with individuals and organizations around the world, with a goal of providing a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally. Navigate360 uses SiteImprove and Web Accessibility Checker to periodically check for known problems with the tip form.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets the main international standards for the World Wide Web and its accessibility. W3C created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) that requires specific techniques for compliance. Many countries and international organizations require compliance with WCAG 2.0. The guidelines are categorized into three levels of compliance: A (must support), AA (should support), and AAA (may support). Representatives from the accessibility community around the world participate in the evolution of these guidelines.
As of 2017, the ADA Title III regulations do not yet specify a standard. We believe the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) will likely adopt the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA (“WCAG 2.0 AA”) as the standard for public accommodations websites for a number of reasons, including the fact that WCAG 2.0 AA is the access standard used in all DOJ settlement agreements and consent decrees about websites and mobile apps. The DOJ most recently stated that its proposed rule for public accommodations websites will be published in 2018. This final rule applicable to federal agency websites should provide businesses with confidence that WCAG 2.0 AA is the standard to use if they are working on making their websites accessible.
Additionally, P3 tip forms conform to the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 based on an external evaluation by SiteImprove. A “refresh” of Section 508 took effect in 2018 and sought to bring American standards more in line with international accessibility efforts such as the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Access Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0). Taken together, the ADA and Section 508 cover the full range of businesses and entities represented across all government levels.
What does the Tip Count Report display for call centers?
Call Center Notifications Sent - the number of times notifications were sent to recipients
Call Center Tips Delivered - the number of tips delivered by the call center
Additional Information Added - the number of additional information entries added to tips
Call Center Dialog with Reporting Parties - the number of two way dialog entries added to tips
Total Call Center Tips - the number of tips taken by or shared with the call center
How do Life Safety notifications work?
If a tip is marked as a Life Safety Matter then users that are responsible for Life Safety Matters will be notified even if they have notifications turned off. Users can mark Event Types as Life Safety Matters in order to automatically mark a tip as a Life Safety Matter.
Important: You must have 'Automatically notify recipients of new and updated tips submitted by reporting parties' turned on in General Settings in order for Life Safety notices to go to Recipient Contacts flagged to receive Life Safety Notices automatically from P3 Campus. If tips are not auto delivered, life safety notifications will be sent once the tip is manually delivered to the recipient account by an administrative user.
Note: This FAQ entry only applies to account types that have Life Safety features enabled.
How do I keep Chrome from auto-filling my email address, password, or contact info into P3 modules?
Paste chrome://settings/passwords?search=credentials into the Chrome search text box.
Select "Never" if Chrome asked you to save the password.
Also, we recommend the following:
Paste chrome://settings/addresses into the Chrome search text box.
Turn off "Save and fill addresses".
How do I keep my iPad or iPhone from auto-filling my email address and password in P3?
To turn off auto-filling on your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Safari > Autofill. Turn off the switch next to Names and Passwords.
Note that you can use Chrome instead of Safari on your iPad or iPhone as an alternative solution.
How do I enable spell checking in Chrome?
Spell checking should be enabled in Chrome by default. If it is not enabled, then you can right click in a text box and select "Spellcheck" and then check "Check the spelling of text fields". Once it is enabled for a text field, it will be enabled for rich text editors as well.
If a recipient opens a tip on his/her phone in PDF form, is there an area in P3 that will show that the tip has been read?
There are two ways to receive a read receipt from a recipient contact:
1. Login and mark the tip as read.
- or -
2. Click on the embedded read receipt link in the notification email.
The read receipt is shown on the audit tab. The audit tab will show that you notified the recipient based on how the recipient contact was set up and that you delivered the tip to the recipient account.
How do Automated Calls work?
For P3 Campus accounts, Automated Calls can be made to the specific phone numbers if a Life Safety tip is submitted by a reporting party and that tip remains unread for a specified time period. Automated Calls settings are available in General Settings on the Comm Center tab. See the Life Safety setting in the Event Type Manager. Automated Calls are made every 3 minutes until either the tip has been read or 10 automated calls have been made.
What is reported on the Call Center Tip Count Report?
The following provides a description of what is included on the Call Center Tip Count Report.
Call Center Notifications Sent
Count of the number of notifications sent to a call center client.
Call Center Tips Delivered
Count of tips delivered to a call center client.
Additional Information Added
Count of additional information added to any tip for a call center client.
Call Center Dialog with Reporting Parties
Count of reporting party dialog added to any tip for a call center client.
Total Tips
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center.
Source: Call Center
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center that originated at the call center.
Source: Web
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center that originated via a web tip form.
Source: In-House
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center that was entered manually by the call center client.
Source: Mobile
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center that originated via a mobile device.
Source: Unknown
Total number of tips that call center clients have shared with the call center that has an unknown origin.
What does a reporting party see when they login using their Report ID and password?
The reporting party will only see the following when they login:
Any dialog entered on the Dialog tab of the Tip Manager in P3
Any dialog that the reporting party enters
The status of the tip as either "Open" or "Closed"
Reward Pickup Notes for Reporting Party from the Disposition Tab (if applicable)
This means that reporting parties do not see the original tip, additional information added on the Main tab of the tip manager, images uploaded, private notes, recipient notes, call center notes, detailed status types, or any other data entered in P3.
How can I assign a tip to a recipient as "Info Only"?
P3 gives you the ability to assign a tip to a primary recipient as well as an "info only" recipient. This feature will allow the administrative user to assign a tip to a primary recipient for investigation as well as deliver the same tip to multiple recipients as "info only" without affecting allocation and statistical reports. A new "Info Only" check box was added to the dialog for the Info button on the "Deliver To" tab of the tip manager. "Info Only" recipients are excluded from all reports in which a P3 recipient filter exists. The Tip Count Report will give you a break down of tips assigned to a recipient as the primary investigator as well as those delivered as "info only". Disposition statistics such as recovered property/narcotics, arrests, cases cleared, etc. are not attributed to "Info Only" recipients, just the primary recipient.
Click here to view a short demonstration video (Video#14 Info Only Recipient) of this new feature.
What is the Delivery Time Report?
The Delivery Time Report is only visible to Call Centers and Communication Centers. It provide detailed delivery information about each tip. A list of people who delivered the tip is available by clicking on the "Get Activity" button for each record. A list of people who have read the tip is also available by clicking on the "Get Activity" button for each record.
If a P3 account is setup so that recipients are automatically notified of new and updated tips, then the delivery time can be less than 1 minute for web and mobile tips because the tip is created and delivered at almost the same time. For more information see the setting labeled "Automatically notify recipients of new and updated tips submitted by reporting parties” in General Settings for each P3 account.
Is there a way to query for empty fields?
Yes, after clicking on the Define button to begin your query, type "null" (without quotes) into the text box for the field you are searching. For example, you can search for all contacts that are missing a phone number by searching for "null" phone numbers.
What is HIPAA and CJIS compliant data?
HIPAA or CJIS data have additional encryption within P3. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) deals with US federal regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information. The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy outlines the security precautions that must be taken to protect sensitive information such as criminal background information gathered by local, state, and federal criminal justice and law enforcement agencies.
How does two-factor authentication work?
Two-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security that requires not only a password and username but also requires the user to enter a 6-digit code. This code is sent as a text message to the user’s Cell Number during the login process. Note that the 6-digit code is also emailed to the user to provide an alternate method of authentication. Two-Factor Authentication can be enabled for each account in the My Account module under Settings. Once enabled, two-factor authentication is required for each new device or new network that you use. You can clear your device history by clicking on the "i" icon by the label for the Two-Factor Authentication control in My Account.
What is the difference between "Purge" and "Delete"?
Deleting a record will remove the row from the grid. A deleted record is not visible to recipients or reporting parties. However, deleted records can be recovered by users when needed. Purged records are deleted records that cannot be recovered but can still be included in statistical reports when needed.
How do I restore a deleted tip?
If you are a user with full permissions, then you can restore a deleted tip as follows:
Click Define (Query) on the Tip Manager.
Set the "Deleted" control on the Misc tab to "Yes".
Click Run (Query).
Locate the tip and set "Deleted" to "No" on the Misc tab.
Note that this is an Android OS setting, not a P3 Tips setting.
Why do items show up in the drop down list even after I delete them from the lookup table?
When you first load the Tip Manager, the Offense Types, Event Types, and Status Types are populated in to the drop down list from the list of items you entered in the the lookup tables for these tip parameters.
If for example, you have an old tip with an offense type that has been removed, then the old offense type will be temporarily added to the bottom of the drop down list. You can request bulk updates to replace old offense types.
Also, if another agency transfers a tip to you say with an offense type of "Burglary" and you do not have that in your list, then P3 will still add that to the bottom of the drop down list to help prevent the loss of offense information for this tip. These automatic additions are removed once you reload P3.
How does the "Bounced Emails" filter work?
Navigate 360 has added two new settings modules that are designed to notify admin users within P3 of failed email notifications – Bounced Emails and Invalid Emails. Both of these modules are accessible to admin users who have access to account settings. Go to Settings>Bounced Emails or Invalid Emails. Click here for a video tutorial of these new features.
Why are some tips in the tip list highlighted in varying shades of red?
Once a new tip is 24 hours old or older and has not been marked as read by any admin user or recipient contact once the tip has been delivered, the tip line in the tip list will be highlighted in varying shades of red in order to draw attention to them. The darker the shading, the older the tip. If you hover your cursor on an affected tip line, it will tell you the approximate age of the tip, i.e. "1 day old", "15+ days old", etc. Once the tip has been marked as read, the shading will disappear.
Is it possible to encrypt emails that are intended for recipients?
P3 offers the ability to password the PDF file that contains the tip. The password can be set in P3 in General Settings. The body of email notices do not contain any tip information unless the sender manually types tip information into the custom body for the message.
The P3 support staff have received some reports from agencies about their mail server security setting not allowing password protected PDF files. Therefore, we recommend that a PDF file attachment not be included for recipients as a best practice. Instead we recommend that recipients be given login access to P3 as a contact which limits them to only those tips that were assigned to them. The email notices then only contain a notification that new tips are available for viewing when the contacts login to www.p3campus.com.
Why can't I access P3 when traveling out of the country?
When accessing P3 outside of your home country, current security protocols may prevent login access if you are utilizing an IP address in a country that has been blocked by our server firewalls. In order to prevent this, it is recommended that you utilize a VPN service such as Nord VPN (www.nordvpn.com) or Private Internet Access (www.privateinternetaccess.com) that can provide you with an IP address in your home country. This will insure that you can access P3 wherever you travel to.
What are the terminology differences between the different versions of P3?