Troubleshooting: Missing Team
Discover solutions for addressing a missing team in this troubleshooting guide.
If a team is missing in Behavioral Case Manger, it could be a result of an inactive Team Leader.
Depending on the model(s) in use, this role could be listed as Team Leader or Chair.
Each team should have a Team Leader listed. If the Team Leader's user profile is disabled, either manually or as a result of district SIS changes, the team may be hidden on the list.

How to Troubleshoot
If the current Team Leader should still be active, review their User Profile
- Login to Behavioral Case Manger
- Go to Admin
- Click Manage Users
- Search for the Team Leader's User Profile
- If the User Profile is disabled, click the 3-dots menu and Enable
- If User accounts are connected to a district SIS, please have the SIS Admin review the status of the syncing information for the user
Identify a New Team Leader
- Login to Behavioral Case Manger
- Go to Cases
- Search for an Open Case from the missing Team
- On the menu, Click on the Team name
- Use the manage team screen that opens to identify a new Team Leader
- The Team will now show on the list