Monitor Assignment Completion for Teachers
Enhance your ability as a teacher to track student progress and lesson completion with our comprehensive guide.
For teachers, there are 3 options for monitoring completion. Expand each choice below to learn more:
– Insights on the home page provide a quick look at overall completion by class and assignment.
– The Group Assignments page provides completion percentages for students rostered to you by assignment.
– The Gradebook shows individual completion data for multiple assignments by grade, instructor, or class.
Video Walkthrough (click to expand)
From the Homepage
Instructors and Admin can quickly view overall completion rates from the Insights panel on the home page.
Step 1: Select the curriculum of the lesson you are monitoring, (I.e. Character Ed, Resiliency Ed, Prevention)

Step 2: Select a class and lesson from the drop down menus to quickly view completion data.
Step 3: Hover over the green progress bar to view detailed information about the status of a lesson.
Note: Completion data for multiple assignments can also be found in the Gradebook or Assignments page shown in the next sections.

Completion data for multiple assignments can also be found on the Group Assignments page.
From the Group Assignments Section
Instructors and Admin can view overall completion percentages from the Group Assignments or MH Assignments pages. Instructors will see information for all rosters assigned to them in Compass. For some districts/schools, this could be multiple classes.
Step 1: Open the “Assignments” drop down and click on Group Assignments or MH Group Assignments.
The Group Assignments page shows Character Ed Assignments.
The MH Group Assignments page shows Resiliency and Prevention assignments.

Step 2: Search for the assignment you are monitoring or filter the list using the column headers.

Step 3: The Complete column shows the percentage of students who have completed the lesson.
Note: Clicking on Mark as Complete shows a list of students who have not completed the lesson. The instructor can mark the lesson complete for students from this pop up. This is not required when students complete lessons from their own account.

Step 4: To view individual student data, click on the 3 dots in the Actions column, then select View Lessons.
Step 5: Export results or use the Advanced Search to filter the list by class completion status, etc. When using Advanced Search, click Apply after selecting a new filter setting to refresh the lesson list below.

From the Gradebooks
Instructors and Admins can view completion data for individual students from the gradebook.
Step 1: While on the Character Ed, Resiliency Ed or Prevention tab, click on "Go to gradebook" at the top of the page under your name.

Step 2: Filter the gradebook by name, class, or assignment, if needed.

Step 3: Use the completion icons and key to view the status of each assignment by student. Quickly sort the list by start date to find current or previous lessons.

Optional steps: Clicking the Assignment header allows the instructor to mark the lesson complete for whole group delivery. This is not required when students complete lessons from their own account. Clicking a student's name opens their profile where all assignment data for that student is shown.

Use the Gradebook tab to view completion results for a different curriculum.
Click “Student” to view Character Ed lessons or click “Mental Health” to view Resiliency and Prevention lessons.