Check-in Badge
Learn how to customize layout of visitor check-in badges printed from Visitor Management
Visitor Management allows District and Building Admins to customize the layout of visitor check-in badges that are printed from a station. See the below details to learn how to adjust which information is printed on visitor badges.
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin or Building Admin
- Navigate to the Admin Settings by clicking the key icon on the side navigation menu
- Navigate to the Check-in Badge tab
Check-in Badge Settings
Optional Fields:
- Users can select the below options to have the fields display on visitor Check-in Badges:
- Picture - Display the visitor's picture
- Visitor Type - Display the visitor type selected in the check-in process
- Visiting - Display who the visitor is visiting
- Destination - Display the visitor's destination
- Reason for Visit - Display the visitor's reason for visiting
- Check-out Badge - Display a check-out barcode for the visitor to use to check out at the Self-Serve kiosk
- Users will see that the Badge Preview displayed on the page updates to match their selections as changes are made
Badge Orientation:
- Users can toggle between the below options to change the orientation of the Check-in Badge:
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Users will see that the Badge Preview displayed on the page updates to match their selections as changes are made
Visitor Picture:
- Users can toggle this option to require all visitors to take a new picture for every visit to a building
- This will ensure that the most recent photo is printed on the visitor's Check-in Badge
Prevent School Overrides
If all schools will have the same Check-in Badge settings, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled on. If all schools will not have the same Check-in Badge settings, then the Prevent School Overrides setting needs to be toggled off. Toggling this setting off allows Building Admins to set the preferred options for their school.