Reporting - Compass
Learn how to use Compass to gain comprehensive insights into your organization's performance.
Reporting in Compass Curriculum is a little different for every role (teachers, school administrators, and district administrators). Please note that this tutorial will address the most common ways that clients use the reporting features in Compass. If you find that you need additional reporting, please contact us to request custom reports.
Individual Student
Regardless of your role (teacher, school administrator or district administrator), you have access to your assigned students and their individual report cards. The report card outlines all of the assigned lessons and that particular student's status for each one. This is a great place to check if a single student isn't sure if he/she completed all assigned lessons. You can access the report card from the Gradebook or from the main admin home page. Please see this article about accessing the report card from the Gradebook.
To access the report card from the admin home page:
Start at the dashboard and click "Students" under "Users" on the left hand menu:
- Search for your student by entering his/her name in the "Simple Search" field (you can also use the magnifying glasses at the top of each column to filter by first name, last name, grade, ID, Email and School):
- Click on the "magnifying glass" next to the student's name:
- You will then be taken to the student report card.
Understanding the Student Report Card
The Student report card is broken up into sections depending on the program that you are running at your school. You will see Group Assignments for any assignment given to a class or a whole grade. You will see Individual Assignments for any lessons assigned to that student individual (most often due to the Behavior Intervention program). Each section gives you the option to export that lesson list and the student's participation in that set of lessons:
Lesson Data
If a student has NOT started a lesson, you will not see any data next to the lessons. If the student HAS started a lesson, you will at least see data in the "Pre" column indicating the student's score on the pre-test of that particular lesson. If the student has COMPLETED the lesson, you will also see a post test score, an indication whether or not the student passed or failed, an improvement score (difference between the pre test and the post test), and a completion date and time so you know when the student completed the lesson:
Please note: If you have the "Repeat on Fail" toggle disabled for a lesson or if the pass/fail threshold is set to 0, your "Pass" column will show a dash rather than a yes or no indicating N/A.
More information
If you want more information than the summary report that the report card provides, you can click on any text to drill down into more data. The pre and post columns have links to take you directly into the results for the pre and post tests respectively. To see all of the lesson data, click on the lesson title link:
You will then be taken into a view to see all of the questions and answers from that particular lesson including the pledge and open ended reflections for Intervention lessons.
Assessment Report
The assessment report shows the scores for each assessment the student has completed (beginning, middle, and end of year assessments). The top will show which assessments have been completed and the date each one was completed. By clicking on each of these, you can include or remove the data from that assessment. Once multiple assessments have been completed and selected, you'll be able to see improvement scores for each assessment.
The scores are broken out into three sections:
CASEL Competency Scores
These are the scores for each CASEL competency.
Subdomain Scores
Some of the competencies are broken up into specific subdomains that address a particular aspect of the CASEL competency. The subdomains focus on Self-Awareness and Self-Management.
Survey Responses
Often it is impactful to see how an individual student answered particular questions on the assessments. These answers will be in the survey responses summary and broken out by each survey as tabs in the report:
Group Reporting
Student Usage Report
The most important thing for teachers and admins to check is whether or not students are completing lessons on time. The fastest and easiest way to do that is through the Student Usage Report on the Admin Home Page.
Please note: This report can be filtered by School and/or grade for district admins and by grade for school admins. This gives you additional control over seeing the data you are looking for.
The student usage report provides a built in filter by class and lesson title. The lesson title will also include the start date of the assignment. The student usage report shows data on assigned lessons, so requires assignments to be made (either through the preset curriculum or from the lesson library) before it will show data.
The report breaks out students who have completed, are in progress, or who have not started each lesson. This gives you a granular view of which students you need to follow up on to complete their assignments or to start them. The magnifying glasses next to each group allows you to drill down and see a report of those students:
Please note: If students are manually marked complete, they will show scores of "NOT TAKEN" but "Yes" under the "Complete" column.
For secondary teachers, often you will have all students rostered in ANY class, but you will have a designated class where you are responsible for student reporting. If that is the case, make sure you have selected the correct class before looking at the student usage report.
Please see this article about understanding and using the gradebook.
Summary Reports
To view reporting, the first thing you want to do is click on the "Summary" link on the menu under reporting.
Please note: Depending on which Compass program your school has purchased, you may have two different reporting links in your menu. You want to select the one under the heading of "Student" although there may be other program names there (i.e. Student, Parent or Student, Intervention etc...)
The reporting dashboard will then open. There are several sections of the reporting dashboard that you may or may not be interested in depending on what you're trying to find:
Please note: ALL of the blue numbers in the reporting dashboard are links to additional information related to that report. For example, if you click on "Total Users" you will be taken to a list of all of your students.
- The Users section details all of the students assigned to you ("Total Users") as well as the number of students who have actually successfully logged into the program. If students in your class have various grades, you will see them broken up by grade. You will also have a "Classes" section that outlines each individual class and the students in each one. This is a useful report when you're trying to get students logged in for the first time:
- If you scroll down further, you will come to the next section which is the Logins section which details out how many times students have logged in. This report is most useful for school/district administrators trying to determine usage rates.
- The next section is the Assignments section which is the most common section to visit. In the assignments section, you will have various filters at the top so you can filter the month, grade or class of the assignments you are trying to view. The assignments section is broken into two sections:
- The Total Assignments section tells you overall how your students are doing at completing their assignments. The total assignment number is the number of LESSONS multiplied by the number of STUDENTS. So, if you have one class of 24 students and they've been assigned 3 lessons, your TOTAL ASSIGNMENTS number would be 72 (3 * 24). The Assignments Completed graph tells you how many of those lessons have been marked complete. Please note that a lesson can either be marked complete manually by you, otherwise to be considered "complete" the student must complete the post test with a passing score.
- The Lessons section will show you a list of all of the individual lessons assigned to your students. The total assigned and total complete are based on the students assigned and the students who have either been marked complete manually or have completed the post test with a passing score.
Please note: Each section of the reporting dashboard has clickable arrow to minimize it so you can more quickly and easily find what you're looking for. To look at that section again, just click on the arrow again. Please see image below.
More Information
Often, you'll want to check a "by name" list of students to see who has and hasn't completed their assignments. To do so, simply click on the blue number under the list you want to see. For example, if I wanted to see all of my students' progress on the "A Friendly Influence: Do my friends influence my conduct?" lesson, I would click on the number underneath the "Total Assigned" heading. If I wanted to just see the list of students who DID complete the lesson, I could just click on the link underneath "Total Complete":
You will then see a list of the students assigned and their status. There are two columns that are particularly relevant:
- The scores column will show the scores from the most recent attempt. If the student hasn't started the lesson, it will show "NOT TAKEN".
- The "Complete" column will show whether or not each lesson is complete:
Specific Reports
In addition to the summary and student usage reports that are available for all programs, some of our modules include specific reporting that helps identify trends and drive compliance for statewide mandates. Please see each article for how to read and interpret each of these reports.
Mental Health
Please see this article about using the Mental Health Report
Please see this article about using the Intervention Report
SEL Assessments
Please see this article about using the SEL Assessments Report