Check-Out a Visitor - Staff Assisted
Learn how to check-out a visitor or multiple visitors in Visitor Management via the Staff Assisted workflow
Please select from the scanning options below to learn how to check in a visitor on your Staff-Assisted Visitor Management station.
Individual Visitor Check-out
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the In Building panel, which is displayed from every page within Visitor Management
- Locate the visitor to be checked out and click Check-Out Visitor
- When prompted to confirm the check-out, again click Check-Out Visitor
- Once the check-out is confirmed, the visitor will be removed from the In Building panel
Bulk Visitor Check-out
- Log into Visitor Management as a District Admin, Building Admin or Staff User
- Navigate to the All Visitors page with the List view selected (as opposed to the default Card view)
- Enable the Currently Visiting Only option toggle to view all checked-in visitors
- Select all visitors to be checked out
- Click on + Bulk Actions → Bulk Check-out Visitors
- On the Check Out Visitors modal, click the Check-out Visitors button to confirm and check out all selected visitors